Yosuke Kanai
Yosuke received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry from Princeton University after completing his undergraduate degree at University of Tennessee at Knoxville. He was a BNNI Post-doctoral Scholar at University of California at Berkeley, and he subsequently worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as a Lawrence Fellow in Condensed Matter and Materials Division prior to joining the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Department of Chemistry.
Developing a quantitative and predictive understanding of how novel dynamical phenomena emerge in materials and in other condensed phase systems from first-principles microscopic quantum theory is the central theme in our research. Research projects in the Kanai group are primarily in the field of first-principles electronic structure methods and their applications to condensed matter systems.
We are particularly interested in the development and use of computational methods based on first-principles electronic structure theory for developing fundamental understandings in condensed matter chemistry and physics at the electronic and atomistic levels.